How can I listen?

How can I listen?

We are in the final days of the Season of Creation, where without a doubt the events of COVID 19 has enabled us to have a heighted consciousness of our surroundings and a deeper connection with one another and all of creation. During lockdown I experienced for the first-time total silence in London – not…

Making A Difference

Making A Difference

As Cliff Richard, a British pop singer, sang many years ago, “Congratulations and Celebrations … we want the world to know we’re Happy as can be!” – We come together as the Holy Family of Bordeaux for our Bicentenary Celebration year of 2020 and give Our Thanks to Pierre Bienvenu Noailles for his vision 200…

Your Life is Hidden With Christ

Your Life is Hidden With Christ

These April days bring with them signs of new life in all of creation. Before our eyes the buds are bursting open revealing magnificent colours. Liturgically we have entered Eastertide – fifty days of celebration until the feast of Pentecost. On Easter Sunday the reading from Colossians 3:1-4 caught my attention – your life is…

Another Year Over…

Another Year Over…

Over the past few weeks, I have found my attention been caught by a phrase from a Christmas Song playing in the shops and on the radio “another year over and new one just begun”. I think it is a common phrase that most of us will utter in these days probably with the addition…