Since Pope Francis declared 2025 as a Jubilee Year, with a theme ‘Pilgrims of a Hope’, I have thought many times of The Knot Prayer: Please untie the knots that are in my mind, my heart and my lifeRemove the have-nots, the can-nots, and do-nots that I have in my soulErase the will-nots, may-nots, might-nots…



IF ONLY…. “As he came near and saw the city, he wept over it. If only you recognised on this day the things that make for peace!” (Luke 19:42) Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if only you had been here, my brother would not have died. (Jn. 11:21) Lord if only…. Lord, if only you…

Our Charism

Our Charism

Sometimes it is good to look a bit more closely at words we use on a daily basis without necessarily giving much thought to the meaning behind them. One such word is “Charism”. Years ago, when the word first became popular, we were often asked – especially at inter-congregational retreats and sessions – to describe…

The Vine

The Vine

Jesus, you are the vine.The whole vine, not merely the trunk.I am a branch,a part of the whole,dwelling in you.With the other brancheswe share the same life;we are all “alive with your life”The branch doesn’t knowwhen she’s bearing fruit.She doesn’t need to know.Besides,the fruit is the fruit of the Vinenot just of the branches.The Vine…

Easter Rising

Easter Rising

So, they didn’t believe us!“But we saw Him with our own eyes”.But they didn’t believe us!“He talked with us and told us to tell you”.But they didn’t believe us,They were frightened men,Scared that they too would go down,So they didn’t believe us!He told us not to be afraid,To go back into Galilee,But they didn’t believe…